Monday, August 31, 2015

Catching up!

What a weekend!  We took our son to college for his freshman year!  He's 4 hours away from us in Rhode Island and let me tell you I am a little emotional!  Workouts have been wonderful and I am more determined every day to just crush it!

I think I left off on the 25th so I'll just log everything since then here:

8/27: High rep Chest
Bench press:  45/10, 10, 65/10, 85/10, 90/10, 10
Incline Press: 19/10, 10, 24/15, 32/10
Side laterals: 8/15, 15, 13/15, 15
OH bar press: 45/10, 50/10,10
Tricep ext: 15/10, 24/10, 10
Rope press: 25/12, 30/12, 12

8/28: High rep Legs
Squat: 45/10, 65/10, 95/10, 10, 10
Leg curls: 25/15, 15, 40/10, 10
Wide grip pulldowns:  50/12, 12, 65/10, 10
Tbar rows: 65/10, 75/10, 10
Alt DB curls: 15/10, 24/10, 10

8/31: Low rep Chest
Bench Press: 45/10, 65/10 100/5, 5, 5, 110/5
Flat DB press: 19/10, 10, 35/10, 10
Side Laterals: 10/15, 15, 15/15, 15
upright row: 20/15, 30/15,15
Tri pushdowns: 20/15, 40/15, 15
Kickbacks: 10/15, 15/15, 15

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Legs/pull day
Solid squats, will be switching things up in a week or two to work on building more strength.

Squat: 45/10, 65/10, 120/5, 5, 5, 6

Stiff Leg DL:
45/10/10, 75/10,10

One arm row:
15/10, 24/10,10

Close grip pulldown:
50/16, 70/10, 10

EZ bar curl:
20/12, 35/10,10

Abs: 3x10


Press Day-felt strong getting the 100 up

Bench Press:
45/10, 10, 95/10, 10, 100/10, 10

Flat DB press:
20/10, 10, 32/12, 12

Side laterals:
8/15, 13/15, 15

Upright row:
20/10, 30/12, 12

Tricpes pressdown:
20/16, 40/15, 15

10/10, 13/12, 16

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Left it all on the gym floor today.  I'm loving it!  Somehow I'm finally getting ATG squats.  Not sure if its just because I'm stronger or figured out the optimal foot position to allow it while keeping heels down.

45/10, 65/10, 75/10, 85/10,10, 95/10
Leg curls:
25/15,15, 40/15, 15
Wide grip pulldowns:
50/12, 12, 65/10, 10
TBar rows:
65/10, 75/10 10
Alt DB Curls:
15/10, 19/12, 12
abs: 3x10

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Cruising along.  Workouts are on point and so is the diet.
I got some samples of a preworkout supplement and tried it out, pretty good!  Even though my friend and I have decided to do evening workouts instead of 5am, I think it will be needed to get in the zone after a hard day at work.

Bench Press:
45/10, 65/10, 85/10,10,10
Incline DB press:
19/10,10, 28/10/10
Side laterals:
8/15, 10/15, 13/15, 15
DB shoulder press:
15/10, 19/10,10
Triceps ext:
15/10, 24/10, 10
Rope Pressdown:
25/10, 30/10, 15

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


5am workout.

BB Squat:
45/10, 65/10, 100/5, 5, 120/5, 125/5  This is starting to be more like it.  Quest for 200 is back on.
Stiff leg deadlifts:
45/10, 10, 75/10, 10
One arm row:
15/10, 24/10, 10
Close grip pulldown:
50/10, 70/10, 10
EZbar curls:
20/10, 30/10, 10
abs: 3x10

Going hiking with a colleague later today!  Looking forward to both the hike and the company!

Monday, August 17, 2015


7pm workout felt great.  Once school starts we are going to pm weight workouts and I will be doing cardio a few times a week in the morning.

Bench Press:
45/10, 65/10, 90/10, 10, 10, 100/10
Incline Flat Press:
20/10, 10, 32/10, 10
Lateral Raises:
8/15, 15, 10/15, 15
Front Raises;
10/10, 13/10, 10
Tricep Pressdowns:
20/10, 40/10, 10
10/10, 13/10, 10

Sunday, August 16, 2015

8/15 and 8/16

Hit Planet Fitness both days for my walk/run on the treadmill.  Felt good but I can't wait for fall to get some outdoor runs in.
In addition to the structured workouts I also hit some high numbers on my Fitbit both days!  My goal is 10,000 steps and yesterday I got 13,890 and today 16,406!  Might have to up my goal to 15,000!

Friday, August 14, 2015


Finally had a great week where we didn't have to change the date or time of any of our workouts!  Love that!

5:30 am

Squat: 45/10, 65/10, 10, 85/10, 10,10 DEEP!  Felt really good!
Leg Curl: 25/10, 10, 40/10, 10
Wide grip Pulldowns: 50/10, 65/10, 10
Tbar Row: 65/10, 70/10, 10  Not sure how to record these, used the oly bar and added 20 and then 25 on
Alt DB Curls: 15/10, 19/10, 10  wanted to go up to the 24s could totally do it with right arm but left is still too weak from the shoulder injury.
abs: 3 sets of 10 bodyweight

Thursday, August 13, 2015


5:30 am workout.  I love these morning workouts, but I don't think I will be able to continue once school starts.  Also I use Powerblocks so the DB weights are always a little weird!  But I love my Powerblocks.  Best investment I ever made!

Bench Press
45/10, 65/10, 10, 75/10, 10, 10
Incline DB Press
19/10, 10, 24/10, 10
Lateral Raises
8/10, 10/10, 13/10, 10
DB Overhead Press
15/10, 19/10, 10
Tricep Overhead Ext
15/10, 19/10,10
Rope Pressdown
25/10, 30/10, 10

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Cardio only day.  Since I fell when out on a walk the other day I decided to go to Planet Fitness and walk/run on the dreadmill instead.

The way I like to do my walk/run goes like this:
2 min walk
2 min jog
1 min run
Repeat 5 times.

My walks were at 3.5, jogs 4.5 and the run was 5.5.  I messed up once and hit the 5.5 when I was supposed to be jogging and ended up doing 3 minutes of the 5.5.  Not bad since I haven't run at all in a long time!
When I got home I decided to be productive and cleaned my entire garage gym!  It gets pretty bad with leaves and dust and spiderwebs (gross!)  I can't wait to workout tomorrow morning in there!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Well here we are at the last few weeks of summer vacation.  I have actually been pretty consistent 3-4 days a week with my lifting.  Not so much with cardio and eating/drinking though.  So I have not lost anything at all.  If fact I'm probably up about 5 pounds.  I'm not stressing though.

One thing I do want to do is really start logging my workouts again.  I found an old training blog I used to keep and it had a lot of great info in it.  I had recently hurt my left shoulder and thought that it was because I was "old" now and that it would never go away, well back in 2009 I had the same thing happen with my right shoulder and now it is as good as new.  (my left shoulder is actually pretty much healed up as well, but I still had those horrible thoughts that it wasn't going to go away)  Reading that blog showed me how important it is to keep a record.  I have been recording everything in my composition notebook and I'm not going to go back and log it now, just starting off with today!

So I'm doing a 4 day rotation this was day 4:

BB Squats 2 warms/4 working sets
45/10, 65/10, 100/5, 5, 5, 10
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2 warms/2 working
45/10, 10, 65/10, 10
One Arm Rows 1 warm/2 working
20/10, 24/10, 10
Close Grip Pulldowns 1 warm/2 working
50/10, 70/10, 10
EZ bar Curls  1 warm/2 working
20/10, 30/10, 10
5/10, 8/10, 10